Nurses and health care assistants

Under appreciated, under valued and mostly underpaid. To the nurses and carers of the world, your unselfish kindness and work ethic to help and protect your patients and residents, should be respected and rewarded. Putting everyone's need before your own, the bladder that is going to explode because you have had to help seven people, the water break you will never be able to take, due to another needing your attention, the abuse you took of a very complicated person, you should be valued. What they do not see, after a long and abuse filled day, is the tears and the distress of someone, who has to be professional helping everyone no matter what their nature is, what do to you? Do you remember the patient that was a delight, and so pleasant in their kindness and understanding? Or do you remember the one that was racist, physically abusive that one that basically turned a decent day, in to an awful day? How do you cope, do you take that home with you? fall in the shower exhausted, and feeling a slight underappreciated feeling, you wonder why you bother. Tired from double shifts, and they are long days, surrounded by pain and suffering with possibly a lot of death. How do you cope? Respect the ones that care, respect the ones that look after your loved ones, without them no one gets looked after. Understanding from a patients point of view, hospitals are understaffed and try to get round to everyone, remember you are not the only one that needs attention and looking after. One nurse and health care to 18 plus patients is tiring, mentally draining and physically demanding. So that abuse you threw at a nurse, because they could not give you the answers you are looking for, remember that is a person, a person who has been on their feet for 13 plus hours, barely had time to sit and unwind and look after themselves. With covid and the way times are, more and more people are admitted into the hospitals, not many staff through the door, and staff having to isolate and staff quitting through exhaustion, leaves a very short staffage. Adds more pressure, strain and demand on to the ones fighting through it. Appreciate the fact we have free health care, because if it ever goes the ones that abuse it will be the first to kick off. Nurses you do an amazing job, under a lot of pressure dealing with stress and emotional distress. Do not let the entitlement of oblivious and ignorant people put you down, one day they will miss you when you are gone. Focus on the good ones you help, focus on the joy it brings when you help someone kind. The kindness you show the compassion you have, the empathy you feel towards another, no matter what the outcome, I can imagine you feel it all, remember to look out for yourself, just because it does not show in payslips, and from certain people you are incredible and do incredible things. Stay strong.

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