Seeing all kinds of stress and anxiety, through my working life. I thought it would be nice to start a blog, in hope of bringing people who work hard, have no times for themselves and have immense stress which causes their mental health to be damaged together. I will talk about different types of stressful work environments, redundancies and even the work suck ups which all in different ways cause us grief. I will also write a few words every now and then praising certain work groups, or certain working class people. This is my first time in doing something like this, but hopefully I will improve, and do justice to all the hard workers in the world, get that awareness out there, that we as the people that hold our country up, we are not robots we are not expendable or even replaceable. I know most company owners do not believe it, but we do have feelings emotions and our bodies do get tired! It would be nice for comments and feed back, even if you would like to write in the comments what you have experienced. Maybe others can relate! I will not tolerate, career bashing or belittling someone's choice of job, because without one the other can not function, for example without cleaners, office workers or doctors they will not be able to do their own jobs. We are all where we are meant to be, some of us may be studying and need a job to pay for food or board. So please be respectful to our fellow workers, who are just trying to survive in this corrupt world.
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Well done mate put together very well, I my self
Can relate to pretty much everything you said on there I think. I look forward to reading through now will let you know how I get on 👍